It’s Your Money. Keep More of It.
Contact Kevin Cawley Today
Kevin Cawley
Phone: 773-931-6498
Fax: 866-552-2085
Kevin Cawley has been a National Account Representative for Cost Segregation Services, LLC (CSSI®) since 2015. Previously, Kevin spent 11 years in the construction management industry advising builders on how to safely and properly construct all types of commercial property. During this time, Kevin learned how important cash flow is to every business owner he encountered. He also learned that relationships are key in business, and if you can develop a good rapport with your team and clientele, then work can flourish on future projects. This vast experience was a perfect fit for the CSSI® team and parallels perfectly with building owners. Working through the details of cost segregation with clients not only requires specialized knowledge but also requires great attention to detail and strong communication skills. In fact, some of Kevin’s clients from his past career are still some of his clients with CSSI® today. Kevin has lived in Chicago his entire life and currently resides in Portage Park on the city’s northwest side with his fiancé, Lauren. In his spare time, he enjoys taking boat rides with the family, fishing, and golfing. Kevin has also been playing guitar and piano for over a decade and still meets with his brother weekly to play.
CSSI® is the Premier company for engineering-based cost segregation studies in America.
Our objective at CSSI® is to facilitate maximum tax savings to improve your cash flow, allowing your businesses to grow, evolve, and flourish. With more than 30,000 cost segregation studies completed, our team of professionals ensures maximum tax savings.
Does Your Property Qualify for Cost Segregation?